Centaur Modeling 英文光碟正式版 (DVD版)(3DVD)
軟體簡介: Centaur Modeling 英文光碟正式版 (DVD版)(3DVD)
Centaur (3 DVDs)
Have you always liked mystical creatures The centaur tutorial covers all
the aspects of modelling a realistic looking creature from start to
The tutorial is great for intermediate to advanced users and covers
modelling the head, eyes, mouth, body and even his armour. It also shows
how to build and maintain proper topology of your models geometry.
You will begin this tutorial by setting up Image planes to aid you in
creating the correct size and proportion of the model in nurbs. Once you
have roughed out the size of your creature you will dive into the world of
converting geometry from nurbs to polygons and then polygons to sub-ds,
as well as adding detail using many different modelling tools to achieve a
very realistic look. This tutorial will defiantly give you a good
understanding of how to start creating your own high res models.
8 Hours long