CBTNuggets Microsoft SQL Server 2012.70-461 Writing Queries in SQL Server 2012 視頻教學 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
Take your SQL Server knowledge to the next level by
learning how to write queries and work with database
entities behind the scenes using T-SQL in Microsoft SQL
Server 2012.
This series will take you from front-end user to back-end
wizard. You'll learn the ins and outs of working with SQL
Server 2012 programmatically, covering in great detail both
sides of the T-SQL language -- from creating database
objects using DDL (Data Definition Language) to becoming a
data ninja by writing queries that slice and dice the
information stored in these database objects using DML
(Data Manipulation Language).
This is the beginning of the road for SQL Server 2012
certifications and a prerequisite to both of the
professional level certifications: Data Platform and
Business Intelligence. This series will prepare you for the
70-461 exam and beyond with real world examples!